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Follow For Follow

One of the best ways to grow an Instagram account is through the follow-for-follow method. Inevitably, some portion of the accounts that you follow will not follow you back. While Instagram's interface makes it difficult to find those accounts, we make it easy to discover them by analyzing your followers and following lists. Simply go to Instagram and download the data, load both lists below, and press Submit. We'll produce five lists to view your data.

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In-depth Guide

Introduction to Instagram Follow For Follow

Instagram is one of the world's largest social media platforms and is part of Meta's suite of products. With an emphasis on attractive images, this visual platform is used by virtually every major brand and many celebrities. For people who are new to the platform and are trying to grow a following on Instagram, the Follow For Follow ("F4F") strategy is often utilized.

F4F is built on following targeted accounts in your niche who are likely to follow you back. However, no matter how well you select accounts, it's extremely unlikely that all of them will reciprocate your initial action. In fact, a follow back rate of 70% or more is actually quite good.

Moreover, Instagram makes it impossible to see which accounts you follow but don't follow you back. Indeed, unlike X/Twitter, there is no tag in your followers list to denote that an account in question follows you as well. Fortunately, this is where our Instagram F4F function comes in.

By downloading your data from Instagram and then uploading your followers and following lists to our function, we'll analyze both lists and display which accounts don't follow you back, you don't follow back, or you mutually follow each other.

Download Your Data

The first step is to download your data from Instagram. As of this writing, you're unable to download your data from the mobile app, so you'll need to log into your account on a computer. Bear in the mind that downloading your data is a ten-step process, but we'll walk you through each of them.

Step #1: In the bottom left of the screen, click the hamburger icon More and then select Your Activity. See the image below for reference:

WingAzul's YouTube Channel ID

Step #2: On this new page, click "Download your information" in the lefthand panel and then select the blue Continue button. The image below displays these actions in more detail:

WingAzul's YouTube Channel ID

Step #3: You will now be redirected to an entirely new page on Meta's Account Center. In the "Download your information" popup, click the "Request a download" button. Use the image below for reference:

WingAzul's YouTube Channel ID

Step #4: On the next screen, for the fastest result, choose the second option, "Select types of information", instead of the first choice, "Complete Copy". See below for more details:

WingAzul's YouTube Channel ID

Step #5: Scroll down to the third heading "Connections" and then select "Followers and following". Press the blue Next button at the bottom when finished, as seen below:

WingAzul's YouTube Channel ID

Step #6: This part is tricky. In the "Select file options" popup, you need to choose "All time" for the Date range and under Format choose JSON instead of HTML. Here's what your final settings should look like (your email address will be displayed instead of ours):

WingAzul's YouTube Channel ID

Step #7: If you followed all of the steps correctly so far, this is the screen you should see:

WingAzul's YouTube Channel ID

Step #8: You should soon receive an email from Meta alerting you that your data are ready to download. This is because we chose to download only the followers and following lists and not the rest of your data. Click the "download your information" link in the email, as shown below:

WingAzul's YouTube Channel ID

Step #9: After clicking the above link, you'll be redirected back to the Accounts Center page. This time your file will be ready to download under the Available Downloads tab. Click the download button as shown below:

WingAzul's YouTube Channel ID

Step #10: Enter your password, as shown below, and your download will commence! That's it. You're all done.

WingAzul's YouTube Channel ID

Analysis of Followers and Following Lists

Whew! That was difficult. Now onto the fun part. Simply upload your followers and following lists to our function above. Then select the type of analysis you want. There are five options: Accounts that don't follow you back, accounts you don't follow back, accounts that you mutually follow, your followers list, and your following list. We also display timestamps in your current time zone that indicate when the action was initiated.

Lastly, it is important to note that we don't store any of your information while performing the analysis. Our program simply looks through your lists and sends back the results. In addition, none of this analysis is done by programmatically accessing your account. It's absolutely vital to mention that any automatic software is against Instagram's terms of service and puts your account at risk of suspension.


We make it easy for you to analyze your followers and following lists from Instagram. Download your data in our 10-step process and then upload it to our function. Based on your selection, we'll show you accounts that don't follow you back, that you don't follow back, that you mutually follow. Moreover, we can also display your followers and following lists. Fortunately, unlike other apps, our method doesn't involve any risky automation which puts your account at risk of a permanent ban.

Contact Us

We're only in the beginning stages of expanding WingAzul to other social media platforms, so please consider joining our email list to stay in touch for exciting new updates.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach us at or message us on our Twitter page @WingAzulApp.

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